Seeds for Change Update

Seeds of Change Program Update

Sustainable nutrition and economic stability is the key to child health in Haiti. This marks the 10th month of the Seeds for Change program for Consider Haiti and as with any start-up business, some days are better than others.  Growing a business is always a learning process.

Right now even with all the political turmoil in Haiti, this program is providing a much-needed resource to the members of the Fond Baptise community which is 4000 ft above sea level.  

They are selling black beans (pwa nwa), butter beans (pwabe'), corn (mayi), millet (pitmi), peas (pwa kongo sech)  and cabbage (gabbage) depending on the season.  The Seeds for Change team is gaining more market share and adjusting the product they are selling accordingly.  

One of the goals of the program was an economic stimulus for families in poverty.  Seeds for Change, though small, is providing economic stability for 3 families as we have a Project Coordinator, Transportation Manager, and Stock Manager.  We salute these brave, hard-working individuals who are working diligently under incredibly chaotic and unstable conditions.  

If you want to learn more about the Seeds of Change program and how you can support it, contact us. You can also use the donation below to donate & specific in notes that you would like your donation to go towards our Seeds of Change program.