Haitian Holiday Goats

Once again we are asking our supporters to give goats for gifts this holiday season!


Goats are vital to the success of our four core programs. For that reason we decided to to offer goats again this holiday season in the hopes of increasing our program goat count by 50 goats to reach 800 by January 1, 2019!

Goats flourish in Haiti’s climate; they require minimal care and upkeep. Right now, we have ~700 goats in our program; our goal is 800. 

The gift of a single goat can provide: 

NUTRITION: Goat’s milk is a sustainable source of calcium, protein, and other essential nutrients.
ECONOMIC STABILITY: A single goat can provide ongoing resources for an entire family.
By selling any extra milk or baby goats, our families are able to earn money for medicines and other necessities.

EDUCATION: Many families have been able to sell their goats at the start of the school year to fund their children’s educations. We are happy to support these families and their local schools through our efforts.

More about Consider Haiti goats:

Consider Haiti breeds Haitian female does with a Nubian Boer buck to attain hearty offspring adapted to local conditions. They are delivered to families in Montrouis, Fond Baptist and Ivoir. We work closely with the families in the Community Health Program to ensure that they receive the gift of the goat and are able to utilize future offspring for
nutrition, milk income and school tuition. So you as you can see goats really are the key to many Haitian families that would otherwise find it nearly impossible to provide ongoing financial and nutritional support to their families.

If you are thinking about supporting Consider Haiti this holiday season, would you consider giving a goat? We have a downloadable/printable flyer that you can share with your friends or family or include in a gift card if you are giving a goat this holiday season.

Consider Making Your Gift Last Throughout the Year!

In order to ensure that we are able to continue to provide sustainable support to our Haitian program and agents, we launched a ‘Yearly Membership Drive’ campaign in October 2019. For more information about that, click here.

If you want to make join our yearly support, you can select the ‘Monthly Membership Drive’ payment option on the form below or click here.

** If you want to purchase multiple quantities or can only afford a partial amount of a goat just select ‘other amount’ and type in your donation amount.

***: If you are giving a goat/donation in honor of a person please let us give us name & address/email address when you complete the form and we will send a personalized card upon receipt of donation!